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SME Loan

SME Revitalisation Financing (SMERF)


  • Provide a comprehensive financial solutions and accessibility to assist viable SMEs constrained by financial difficulties and underserved sectors.
  • Ease cashflow blockage facing by viable SMEs in revitalising & achieving business goals, strengthening core business, building capacity & capability and improve productivity as well as job creation.
  • Facilitate local and potential SMEs to high level of competition through enhancement of products marketability, business expansion and adoption of technology & modernisation.
  • Facilitate local and potential SMEs to obtain financing with minimum collateral, credit history and track record.
  • Fast, flexible and convenient way to finance the need of business from startup to small and emerging business.

Eligibility Criteria and Main Features



  • Companies incorporated in Malaysia and: -
    • SMEs as defined and endorsed by the National Entrepreneur and SME Development Council (NESDC), as amended from time to time, which shall include all micro, small and medium sized business entities duly registered with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM), authorities, district officers (Sabah or Sarawak) or statutory bodies for professional service providers bodies;
    • With at least sixty per cent (60%) equity held by Malaysians;
    • Possess valid business license. However, exclusion can be considered on case-to-case basis, subject to approval;
    • Must have viable proposal; and
    • Start-up company must be in operation for more than 6 months

Note: MSME Status is not a prerequisite. MIDF will channel the details of approved applications to SME Corp. Malaysia for the MSME Status registration.

Sectors All economic sectors
Financing Amount Minimum: RM50,000
Maximum: RM250,000.00

Note: The maximum limit is per application

Items Eligible For Financing Working Capital;
Asset financing i.e. Purchase of Machinery/ Equipment/ Commercial Motor Vehicle/ ICT Hardware/ Software.
Percentage Financing Up to ninety per cent (90%) of the total costs (as per eligible items)
Repayment Maximum of seven (7) years includes the maximum moratorium and grace period.

Note: The moratorium and/or grace period is optional to be offered to the customer:
Up to six (6) months moratorium; and/ or
Up to six (6) months grace period

Interest / Profit Rate 3% per annum

For more information and application:



MACROSS helps you to build your business globally.
Our services are offered in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.


JASON老大: 为大家提供有用的资讯,从找到工作到成为老板,从资金周转到享受现金流自由,从报税到税务回扣,都为你娓娓道来。

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